Thursday, January 7, 2016

Art vs. Craft?

Recently, I have encountered the challenge of how to classify my work; is it fine art or craft...or something in between?  I find that often times, my work is classified as 'craft,' particularly because of my sculptural vessels.

But I do make wall art pieces that I argue fall closer to the category of 'art,' like the pieces below.  

The classification of these works as 'art' is, perhaps, complicated by the non-traditional framing methods I employ, particularly when I use items like quilting hoops as frames.  Does the addition of a 'craft apparatus' make my work 'craft'?

The primary elements of my work - the untraditional medium and original framing methods - make finding a place for my pieces in a gallery setting challenging, to say the least.  Etsy, for the most part, has been my main platform for exposure up until this point.

Laura Morelli explores how we assign value to art in this TED-ed Lessons segment:  She gives me much food for thought in this short five minute presentation, and a possible answer to my classification question.  Could the divide between 'art' and 'craft' in my work be subsumed in her proposed "visual arts" category?  Would such a classification help art buyers and collectors understand my body of work, thereby making it more approachable for a gallery context?  It is my hope that this is the case as I am eager to find audiences outside of Etsy where my work can gain access to the audience that a gallery attracts.